Baking Experience Part II: Oreo Truffles! (+Vlog)

In my spare time -which is 24 hours full of spare time- i do a lot of productive thing such as baking. Thanks to the short video tutorial on Instagram, Facebook, you tube, etc. To make it looks so easy, now everyone think they can be a master chef within 3 minutes. That everyone including me! I want to be honest here, I CAN NOT  DON'T COOK. I mean, i don't get used to do the cooking part in my house, so my cooking skills are between the level of making an omelette and instant noodles in the mid-night. Let alone the fried rice, spending time in the kitchen is just not my thing. BUT, I am a person who has a strong determination. It was happened when i saw short video tutorial 'Vanilla Eclairs Recipe'Eclairs! My favorite patisserie in the world! You can read how i made Eclairs here.

Okay, as you can read about my baking experience part 1, i didn't make Eclairs like it supposed to be. I didn't use the whip cream and the chocolate for the chocolate glaze. So, with the rest of the ingredients i thought i want to make "no bake" pastry recipe. I'm so done with the baking thingy, i didn't say that I gave up, but i wont make any baking recipe before i have a new oven. Which is due the circumstance probably when i get married, its lucky for me if my future husband provides a complete-brand-new-kitchen set to encourage me practicing my cooking skills- as if I'm a jobless housewife -although, i will be extra busy working as an editor in the national magazine, hehe..
Well, you can find so many of "no bake" recipe on you tube but most of all has cream cheese as the ingredient. I came up with the idea to change the cream cheese with the whip cream. Because the whip cream tastes so goooood, its HAAN Wippy Cream, fyi HAAN's products are expertise in ice cream powder. No wonder, my 6th years old sister said the whip cream tasted like an ice cream. I kept the whip cream in the freezer anyway. 

So, i decided to make Oreo Truffles , once again it looks so simple ( because basically i only searching for the simple recipe! lol..) For instance, all you have to do are crushed the oreo, mix it with cream, shape it, dipped it into molten chocolate and then freeze it! Because its just a piece of cake, i initiative to make a vlog tutorial how to make Oreo Truffles. Haha! See that? Suddenly i felt like i could be a master chef gurus. Thanks to internet!
Oreo Truffles
*Note that I did this all by myself because my sister refused to help me recorded the tutorial. 
(In case the video can't load click this link)

In the end. once again i didn't make like it supposed to be. Because of TOO MUCH whip cream, so the mixture got soggy and it cant be shape. I even recorded that moment when I tried to shape the soggy mixture with my bare hand, ew! On the first picture, you can see that I can shape the truffles, because I freeze it for 24 hours and it turns out quite stiff. And then I quickly took a picture of it before it melt away! (An instagramable photo is important, you know) hahaha..
I also tried to dipped some of it into molten chocolate but because the soggy texture it makes the chocolate melt together with the mixture.

Anyway its alright, because my sisters loved the oreo ice cream! 

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