End of The Journey

I am forever grateful.
Where are all those tears coming from? 
Why are they falling?

Hello my blog, it has been a long time since my last post. Suddenly I feel like want to make an update of my life, here. Shall we begin?

Can we skip about the new job part? Because I'm on my day off right now. You might feel boring any way when you read it.

How about my love life? It sounds good.
No. I mean it doesn't happen that good because we broke up!
My best friends maybe tired to heard that news because we broke up like one, two, three, four, five, six thousands times. But hey! I've never writing about it so this time I sure you its real.

That happened almost 2 months ago, and I almost never feel sorry about it. I don't want to make it sounds rude but I'm glad that we decided to called it quit. After five years that seems like riding a never ending (emotionally) roller coaster together. But there is always something you can learn from every journey, isn't it?

One of the simplest way to be happy is 
letting go of the things that make you sad.

At first, I was happy. The time together was the best time in our life. But in the end, I realize that I didn't live my life to the fullest because you-know-who.

Nothing is worth it if you are not happy.

The fact that we grew up together for five years didn't make it easy. There was a moment when I didn't know to hold on or to let go. Was it really worth the pain? The only thing we know valid is that we has different thoughts in every aspects of life; love, sacrifices, family, career, religion even time.

Even tho I'm glad that we ended it maturely, doesn't mean I'm not sad because it's over. There are times when I break down my coolness and crying in the dark to dawn. I know I have lost someone who make me feel the most loved.

Someday you will look back and understand,
why it all happen the way it did.

Anyway, that's why I writing this post in this moment of time. Writing always make me feel better. I remember there was a psychologist said the best way to calm down your emotion is with an output (like writing) than reading which input more emotion to your mind and body.

After this, I know I will be okay... or I hope so.

It hurts to let go,
but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.



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