
Moschino; I nailed it!

Like i said before, Jeremy Scott's Moschino 2014 concept was so into me. Fun fearless, free spirit, funky and fashionlutely rockin with the strong characteristic, looks very young and brave. Such a fashion statement. The pattern will remain on your mind and catchy by your eyes.

So today, i spent my saturday night at Salon to get my nails done. From the start i was planning to have Moschino on my nails, so i was looking for the references via Google.

I went to Hosana Salon near my house ( I prefer Hosana than Anna Salon for the nail art quality). I was handled by Mela, I think she has done a good job with my special request. Although my mom said, “ Ini muka spongebob atau si gareng?” lol. Yeah, that’s true even the mouth is too low and the teeth is way too long like Gareng. Hahahaha. The Moschino word on my thumb also too small, it would be perfect if she made it wider. But whatever, I don’t really mind since I didn’t set any high expectation from the start.

Well, since my nail art is the first Moschino's concept in this Salon, so everyone on the same floor was looking by, giving compliments, even aunty beside me asking for photograph. Oh and Mela also took some pictures of her works, I hope she will make my nail art photo as one of the display. Lol.

Okay frankly i feel satisfied for the result and the chance that my nails will be a trendsetter here, BUT at the same time, I also feel embarrassed, WHY? Kenapa? Karna, sebagian besar tadi merupakan kaum ibu, even one of them said "yah kuku dia mah bagus, panjang-panjang gitu bisa ditulisin, lah kuku kita?" (Disusul dengan riuh tawa kaum ibu). Opssy! Ketauan gak yah kalo kuku gue panjang berkat tangan yang terlalu sering dibiarkan nganggur? (if you know what i mean). HAHAHAHA.

I also wonder, if by any chance one of them have thought “duh ni anak jarang bantuin mama nya kali ya dirumah. Pantes dia malem minggu sendiri." HOW WAS THAT? LOL! Terus gimana kalo tadi ada ibu yang punya anak laki? Bisa jadi gue termasuk dalam daftar mantu yang ga ideal?  Alaaaa lebay okay forgive me I was over thinking HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Last words, I am so in loveeee with my little experiment, you know sometimes you need to try to be different! Next time I am going to nail The Simpson Family. Nah akhir kata gue cuma berharap kalo kuku gue ga akan patah, karna emang uda terlalu panjang. And for every mom outside there (who has a son), please don’t underestimate me, aku bisa kok nyapu dan ngepel dengan kuku ini. Yah, tapi aku mah gitu orangnya tante, kuku sengaja dibiarin panjang biar greget. Hehehe.

Happy Weekend!  xx

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