Baking Experience Part I: Eclairs!

Okay, so this is my new post since my post 2 months ago. GOSH! How unproductive am I? I feel sorry because I was busy finishing my thesis for my bachelor degree in Communication Science. But now i'm free like a bird. So, because this is my new post since my (unofficially) graduation, i'm feeling like i want to post something random without any hesitation.

In my spare time -which is 24 hours full of spare time- i do a lot of productive thing such as baking. Thanks to the short video tutorial on Instagram, Facebook, you tube, etc. To make it looks so easy, now everyone think they can be a master chef within 3 minutes. That everyone including me! I want to be honest here, I CAN NOT  DON'T COOK. I mean, i don't get used to do the cooking part in my house, so my cooking skills are between the level of making an omelette and instant noodles in the mid-night. Let alone the fried rice, spending time in the kitchen is just not my thing. 
source: weheartit (follow me: mdelviera)
BUT, I am a person who has a strong determination. It was happened when i saw short video tutorial 'Vanilla Eclairs Recipe'. Eclairs! My favorite patisserie in the world. I never thought it was so simple to made. So i tried to made it step by step, and unfortunately I made a mistake in every steps! 

First, when i tried to made the vanilla pastry cream, well, i didn't realize till my boyfriend tasted it multiple times and said it gradually became bitter! Then i double checked the recipe and realize that i took 2 TABLE SPOON of vanilla extract instead of 2 TEA SPOON. Life lesson 1#: Too much is good for nothing.
Life lesson 1#: Too much of anything is good for nothing.
Second, when i tried to made the choux pastry, Its written : "Prepare the choux pastry. Sift the flour. In a saucepan bring the milk, water, sugar, salt and butter to a boil."  What i read : "Prepare the choux pastry, Sift the flour in a saucepan bring the milk, water, sugar, salt and butter to a boil." Nah, can you spot the difference? THE PULL-STOP! For God sake, one pull-stop can ruin everything! So, as you can guess, I mixed all the ingredients in a saucepan. I've double checked it before i turned on the stove, then i realize that the flour was not supposed to mixed together. So i asked my boyfriend, what should i do? He said go on, it doesn't really matter. And then the next thing that happened was I BURNT THE MIXTURE! Unfortunately, we didn't know that boiling a cup of flour with a little amount of liquid could fried the flour till it burnt! But of course, I tried it all over again. Life lesson 2#: If you know what you did wrong, stop there or things could be worse.

Life lesson 2#
Third, when i tried to made the chocolate glaze. I asked my mom for help to bought the whipping cream, she bought me a box of whipping powder. So, i need to make the powder into cream. Its so simple, you only need to blend the whipping powder with 400cc of ice water and then mixer it for about 15 minutes. Voila! it turn out to be a whip cream. But then i forgot, in this recipe you need heating 155ml of whipping cream till it boiled, not the whip cream for beverage topping!

source: weheartit (follow me: mdelviera)
So, yeah in the end the reality beats my expectation. Not to mention that the Choux didn't fully expand when i baked it, even though I baked it for 2 more hours long, still it didn't get fluffy instead the bottom of the choux was burnt. I bet it was because my old oven, so it heats unevenly. But i won't say its a failure because the eclairs still eatable and it tasted fine enough. Well. at least i tried, and you can always learn from your mistakes to make the better Eclairs! Haha..

Ps: i didn't capture my eclairs, because very bad it shapes like penis. very inappropriate tough! lol..

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