Let's save the future of Indonesian children!

Dear readers, it has been a while since my last post because I am busy looking for internship and right now I am facing the final exams for one week to go..

Actually I should study for an exam tomorrow but honestly all my deepest condolences and thought goes to Angeline’s murder case. You know that’s happening right now, all media exposed and the news is blowing up like a hurricane.

The news really touches my heart, since I have a lovely 5 years old sister and as a private teacher I also have one brilliant girl as my student. I do understand all about their daily activities and their characteristic as a kid on their oh-so-young ages.

From the news, I can imagine how Angeline suffered on her life as a kid before she got murdered. While other kids on her age playing happily with their toys, Angeline used to feed her step mother’s chicken every morning before she went to school, she had only one meal a day, that’s why her body was so skinny, and what really fucked up is that she got sexual abuse before her death.

That’s all happen since her step father died about two years ago. Since that I can imagine this beautiful young girl living her life like a Cinderella. Rest in Peace, Angeline..

She looks so innocent with her round eyes; she has long black hair, and her smile looks so sincere, such a lovable kid. I still cannot believe the truth that this
lovely little girl was murdered and her body buried on her own backyard (The same backyard she used to play with her doll). Oh my God, what’s on the earth?

A month ago on May, that was news about parent neglected their children for months at Cibubur, different story than Angeline case but we can see the same line here. 
On the other side, this news was such as a hard slap for the government. KPAI really have many serious jobs to do these days. On my opinion, Indonesian kids are very vulnerable with neglected and abuses because the poverty. We can see around us, on the street, many kids; baby to teenager begging for money. There must be a mastermind behind their actions, either parent or the third party. You know that poverty is so close to crime. These kids might be under forces with physical abuse. I think KPAI also need to concern about kids who living on the street, which is easy to be seen yet many people just too careless and close their eyes. And we are also need to help KPAI to save all Indonesian kids, if there’s a sign on your neighborhood like the problems above, don't be hesitate to report it to KPAI. Lets save the future of Indonesian children!

Twitter @KPI_Pusat
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Sorry for the screen shoot, Too bad I lost the soft copy.

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